The CANHELP (Canadian Health Care Evaluation Project) questionnaire was designed to evaluate satisfaction with care for older patients with life threatening illnesses, and their family members. To develop the questionnaire, we interviewed over 440 seriously ill, elderly, hospitalized patients and their family members to determine what aspects of care were important to them (CMAJ 2006). We used these items to make a questionnaire to measure satisfaction with care and subsequently conducted another large multi-center study to validate the instrument (JPM 2010 / CMAJ 2010). The overriding goal for developing this questionnaire was to give patients and their families a way to identify their care issues important to them. Researchers and health care practitioners will find this information useful to develop strategies to address identified care issues and improve end of life care for patients and their families. The patient version has 38 items and caregiver has 40 items and takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes to complete.

The CANHELP questionnaire is available in 2 formats. Which format you use depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If you are a patient or family member of health care professional on behalf of a patient/family- use the online tool of the importance/satisfaction version below. If you are a researcher or health care professional and want to evaluate a program or intervention, just use the satisfaction instruments provided below.

  1. Rating of Satisfaction:

    A straight forward satisfaction instrument that you can use to rate the quality of care at a program or institution level. There is one version for patients to fill out and 2 versions for family - one during the episode of care and one during the bereavement phase.

    View or obtain CANHELP SATISFACTION only:

    CANHELP Patient Questionnaire English French
    CANHELP Caregiver Questionnaire English French
    CANHELP Bereavement Questionnaire English French

    How to calculate domain scores for the Patient and/or Caregiver Satisfaction Questionnaires: Click Here

  2. Individualized Version:

    A version has been developed that can be used to ask the respondent what is important to them and how satisfied they are with that aspect of care. By juxtaposing their satisfaction ratings with their importance ratings, we can provide you with a prioritized quality improvement agenda for an individual patient or family. When the questionnaire is completed, a report that provides recommendations for next steps is provided. Click here for an example of this report.

    View or take the online Individualized CANHELP Questionnaire of IMPORTANCE and SATISFACTION:

    Obtain a hard copy of the Individualized CANHELP Questionnaire measuring IMPORTANCE and SATISFACTION:

    CANHELP Individualized Patient Questionnaire English French
    CANHELP Individualized Caregiver Questionnaire English French

(Note: the survey is designed to be filled out by a patient or relative, but can also be used by a health care professional on behalf of the patient or relative.)



The CANHELP Questionnaire is reliable, valid and comprehensively measures the patient's (and family's) experience of care, however, the length of the interview may limit its usefulness. We have recently validated (JPSM 2013/Hindawi 2017)a shorter version of the questionnaire called the CANHELP Lite which may be more feasible for clinical, research and administrative purposes. The patient version has 21 question items and the family version has 23 items.

As for the original CANHELP, there are 2 formats available in the CANHELP Lite. Which format you use depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If you are a patient or family member of a patient, or a health care professional on behalf of a patient/family- use the online tool of the importance/satisfaction version below. If you are a researcher or health care professional and want to evaluate a program or intervention, just use the satisfaction instruments provided below.

        1. Rating of Satisfaction:

          A straight forward satisfaction instrument that you can use to rate the quality of care at a program or institution level. There is one version for patients to fill out and 2 versions for family - one during the episode of care and one during the bereavement phase.

          View or obtain CANHELP Lite SATISFACTION only:

          CANHELP Lite Patient Questionnaire English French
          CANHELP Lite Caregiver Questionnaire English French
        2. CANHELP Lite Individualized Version:

          This is the version that can be used to ask the respondent what is important to them and how satisfied they are with that aspect of care. By juxtaposing their satisfaction ratings with their importance ratings, we can provide you with a prioritized quality improvement agenda for an individual patient or family. 

          Obtain a hard copy of the Individualized CANHELP Lite Questionnaire measuring IMPORTANCE and SATISFACTION:

          CANHELP Lite Individualized Patient Questionnaire English French
          CANHELP Lite Individualized Caregiver Questionnaire English French
        3. CANHELP Lite Long-Term Care Questionnaire

          This is a satisfaction survey for family members of residents of long term care homes. The CANHELP survey gathers information about 22 aspects of care considered important in providing quality of care. 

          CANHELP Lite Long-Term Care Questionnaire English

          For more information about the CANHELP Lite Long-Term Care Questionnaire please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CANHELP Bereavement Questionnaire


CANHELP Lite Bereavement Questionnaire English French
CANHELP Lite Long-Term Care Bereavement Questionnaire English

If you have any questions or comments, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Dear Friend,

We thank you for your interest in our work but the CARENET website has ceased to exist. What started as a small multi-disciplinary collaboration between doctors, nurses, researchers and other clinicians evolved into a CIHR-funded new emerging team grant from 2005-2009 and ultimately morphed into a Network Center of Excellence (initially called “Technology Evaluation in the Elderly Network (or TECH VALUE NET), now call Canadian Frailty Network).  

Led by Dr. Daren Heyland, CARENET initially had a focus on developing and evaluating strategies to improve communication and decision-making in the context of serious illness. For a sample of some of the publications emerging from CARENET, please click here

The results of this multidisciplinary collaborate research informed the development of 2 novel, public-facing, online decision support tools: and 

If you are looking for more information on the “Family Satisfaction with ICU Questionnaire, see 

If you are looking for more information on the CANHELP questionnaire, click here 

For all other questions or matters, feel free to contact Shawna Froese at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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